Terms of Service 

– Please read carefully and thoroughly-

Please note that these terms are put in place to ensure transparency and trust worthy transactions/owning of any piece made, to both potential buyers and me – The commissioned artist.

Any terms and conditions noted are non-nogotiable and are part of any copyright given to the commissioned pieces 

1. General terms and conditions

– Note that I am a non-native English speaker, so write in a nice and clean manner to make it easily understandable for me.

– Provide a clear refrence (digital is preferred but traditional is fine too) .

– I will not tolerate any rude behaviors, like insults,personal attacks threats or surly behavior. I will decline the commission, if this occurs at any point.

-I have the rights to decline commissions.

– Friendly messages or simply saying hello is always welcome, but please note that being friendly won’t entitle you to any discounts, reduction in agreed upon prices or free art.

– Likewise, any creepy behavior will result in a block.



– I won’t accept the promise of exposure as a substitute for actual payment

– The currency I accept are euro’s and payments in euro’s, USD or any other currencies must be made through PayPal.

-Payment must be fully paid before I start on your Artwork.

– Commissioning art for a third party is not a problem, but I am not responsible if the third party is not satisfied with the end result and will thusly not change any previously made agreements.

– I am however open to discuss any small changes in a civil manner. I will not give a refund for either dissatisfaction nor rude behavior linked to this.

-I accept tips but they are optional.


– A sketch will be given to the buyer to approve or change, and changes will be made according to furthur specifications.

– The time for your commission to be can be up to 4 weeks, but please note that I am a student with a regular job, so there might be a few small bumps in time, but this will not be a regular occurence.

– I will notify you if any of such delays happen.

– Please do not harass, pester or slander me if a delay happens- I am only human after all.

– If any of these things stated above Happen you will be notified as soon as possible.

– I won’t take on Commissions that need to be finished in 24 hours, however, I will consider any pieces with a certain deadlines if a compensation in price is made.

– I won’t accept deadline bound commissions if I have other commissions too finish first.



– I the artist, do not hold any right to any character(s), elements or concepts that are their own IP (Intellectual Property).
– This includes any character(s), elements or concept from third parties or registered companies, such as Nintendo, Sega, etc.
– I however own any rights of the work itself, but will grand the showing or private use to the buyer.

The commissioner is allowed to:

– Use the copyrighted art work for personal use only, unless it is stated or agreed so otherwise.
– Print the art, and claim the right to the character but not the drawing itself.
– Use and distribute the art to promote yourself with proper credit given.
– Removal will be requested to any copyright infringing works – be it retraced art, bootleg products, second- or third party edits of any kind, etc.

The following is considered copyright infringement

– Reproducing/using the artwork without proper consent to make money off of it.
– Taking credit for the for the creation of the artwork.
– Removing any signatures/watermarks.
– All of the above include any sketches that I provide to show progress.

5. Gaining full exclusive right to any commissioned work


– A purchase of commercial rights is will always be triple the original selling price.
– With commercial rights you are allowed to make any sort of merchandise or media with the artwork, change it to your liking and promote your own brand or product.
– Remember you are buying the commercial rights not the copyright, so credit is still required for usage of the artwork and are still accountable if this gets removed or not mentioned.

-Any form of cryptocurrency or blockchain is outright blocked/banned and punish accordingly 


6. Canceling and refunds

– I have the right to cancel and refund the money for your commission at any time.
– You have no right to cancel or demand a refund from the artist under any circumstances after payment is received.
– I have the right to cancel the commission if 50% of the agreed upon price has not been sent beforehand.
– I have the right to hold/retract any copyright if the latter 50% if the agreed upon price does not get

– If you file a fraudulent complaint against me, due to personal gripes or dissatisfaction with the work that I have provided after all payments are done, your right to everything I have ever made for you will be retracted and I have the right to sell the copyrighted artwork to new buyers.
– Furthermore, your name (with or without any screen shots detailing problems,) will be publicly posted everywhere so other artists can be made aware.
– However, this does not mean that I will retract any rights on the basis of constructive criticism, jokes, etc. made in personal chat logs or on any media platform.
– I also have every right to file a complaint and I have all the right to the money you have given me or still owe me.
– Change in payment(s), for example payment in terms can be discussed, but in all cases 50% before and after completion of the work is required
– I have the right to hold 50% of the money if the buyer decides to stop any contact halfway through production of any requested piece, steal sketches or finished works.
– I have the right to request the remaining 50% of the money if the buyer decides to stop any contact after production of any requested piece, steal sketches or finished works.
No exceptions will be made.

Thank you for reading

and furthermore: have a nice day! ^_^

– M. de Graaf, a.k.a. Little-GrAve.